On April 23, 2022, within the framework of the State Programme «Rukhani zhangyru - Bolashakyaka baghdar» in the directions of ethnic projects «Tugan zher» and «Sacral geography of Kazakhstan» was organized cognitive-educational event for students of the University - visit to historical and cultural complex «Koshpendiler shakhary», which is located in Almaty region.
The aim is to effectively use the free time of students living in dormitories, to foster patriotism and increase knowledge about the history of the country. Interesting open-air lectures are held during such trips, which foster a sense of belonging and respect for the cultural and spiritual and moral values of Kazakhstan among young people. It has become a tradition to reward the five authors of the best photos and videos of each student`s journey.
Educational lectures comprehensively covered topics on local history, archaeology, ethnography, history of Kazakhstan, reflecting the life of our ancestors from the Sak-Uysun period to the rich history of the Turkic Khanate, the Golden Horde, Mogulistan and Semirechye. The students were eager to listen to the informative information provided by the guides and our scientists.
The project, supported by the university administration, proved to be in demand among the student community.